We are a Non-profit Feminist Organization dedicated to
Creating a Sustainable Future for All.
Our Mission focuses on Empowering Women and Fostering Inclusive Growth
to address Global Challenges and Promote Long-term Sustainability.
為了實現這些目標,環球女凰會 Global X FORCE 專注于ESG 的四大支柱。
這些支柱不僅幫助 Global X FORCE 達成 ESG 和 SDG 標准,
通過這種方式,Global X FORCE 成為變革的催化劑,賦權女性,
To achieve these objectives, Global X FORCE focuses on Four Key Pillars of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).
These pillars not only Enable Global X FORCE to meet ESG and SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Standards but also contribute to Fostering Sustainable and Prosperous Communities Worldwide. Through these efforts, Global X FORCE serves as a Catalyst for Change, Empowering Women to Make Lasting Impacts in both Business and Society on a Global Scale.
Regenerative Education
專注于重組教育系統和地緣政治,響應SDG 4(優質教育),確保所有人,尤其是女性,能夠獲得平等的教育機會。
Focuses on Restructuring Education Systems and Geopolitical Frameworks, aligning with SDG 4 (Quality Education) to ensure Equal Access to Education for All, Particularly Women.
Regenerative E-Medicine
推動組織工程、幹細胞和基因治療領域的進步,響應SDG 3(良好健康與福祉),為全球健康事業作出貢獻。
Advances in Tissue Engineering, Stem Cell Research, and Gene Therapy contribute to Global Health, supporting SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being).
Regenerative Environment
致力于氣候行動和環境治理,支持SDG 13(氣候行動)與SDG 15(陸地生態),通過可持續實踐保護地球生態系統。
Committed to Climate Action and Environmental Governance, supporting SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on Land) through Sustainable Practices that Protect the Earth’s Ecosystems.
Regenerative Economy
通過數字商務、可再生能源和綠色科技推動經濟增長,符合SDG 7(清潔能源)和SDG 8(體面工作與經濟增長),促進全球經濟的持久與可持續發展。
Drives Economic Growth through Digital Commerce, Renewable Energy, and Green Technology, aligning with SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) to Promote Long-term, Sustainable Global Development.
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