幫助 環球女凰會 實現我們為之奮鬥的目標

    Supporting Global X FORCE in achieving the Goals We Strive For.


    We are committed to Empowering Women and Creating a Brighter Future for

    the Next Generation.

    Join us in making this Vision a Reality!



    價值觀 VALUES

    承諾 Commitment

    卓越 Excellent

    成果導向 Result-Driven

    信賴的團隊合作 Trusted Team Work

    創新 Innovation

    快速 Fast (Speed)

    青春活力 Youth Spirit

    正向思維 Positive Thinking

    (認證+ CERTIFY+)




    通過這些原則, 女凰會女性領袖企業家創造了



    GlobalX FORCE’s core values — CERTIFY+ — focus on

    Commitment, Excellence,Results-Driven, Trusted Teamwork, Innovation, Fast(Speed), Youthful Spirit, and Positive Thinking.

    These valuesalign closely with the UN Sustainable Development Goals,

    Fostering GenderEquality, Quality Education, Economic Growth, Environmental Sustainability, and Global Partnerships.

    Through these principles,Global X FORCE creates

    an Empowering Platform for

    Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs to Drive Lasting Change.